Supply Chain Management
Optimize Operations from Source to Sale Gain end-to-end visibility and control of your supply chain with our unified platform. Manage procurement, inventory, distribution, fulfillment and logistics to efficiently move goods from suppliers to customers. Leverage analytics to detect disruptions, maximize fulfillment rates and inventory turns while reducing costs across the global extended enterprise.
Demand Planning
Forecasting employs AI and prescriptive analytics to more accurately align production schedules and replenishment requirements to demand signals and POS trends across omnichannel touchpoints.
Inventory Optimization
Insights from demand patterns guide optimal stocking strategies by item, SKU, facility, and season to minimize stockouts and overages.
Transport Management
Carrier selection based on rates, service levels, and capacity are automatically optimized to reduce freight spend while meeting commitments.
Warehouse Management
Labor productivity is improved through slotting optimization, pick path strategies, and BYOD-enabled mobile task management, with automation streamlining space-intensive operations.

Human Capital Management

Optimizing your Workforce as a Strategic Advantage In today's competitive market, cultivating exceptional human capital separates high-performing businesses from the rest. As the war for top talent rages, organizations require advanced solutions to streamline processes supporting employees at every stage. This allows harnessing maximum potential from each individual while avoiding disruption and costs associated with unnecessary turnover.

B2B SaaS Development

Our B2B SaaS development services encompass the full lifecycle of designing, building, deploying and managing cloud-native software products tailored for enterprise and commercial customers.

Commerce Platforms

We’re here to help businesses create and manage digital storefronts optimized for seamless shopping experiences never seen before.

Marketing & amp; Communication Platforms

Marketing and communication platforms bring together different systems to make sure they work well together in reaching customers through different channels.

Digital Experience Platform

A digital experience platform (DXP) forms a centralized hub to design, deliver and optimize engaging customer journeys.

Product Lifecycle Management

Orchestrate New Product Development Centrally manage ideas, planning, development and go-to-market activities for new and existing products on a single collaboration platform. Our PLM solution streamlines processes from concept through manufacturing and end-of-life to bring innovative items to market faster while maintaining quality, compliance and cost controls throughout the full product lifecycle.

Inventory Management

Maximize Availability Without Overstock Equip your teams with real-time insights into inventory levels, locations and projected demand across channels. Our solution incorporates POS data, seasonality, replenishment policies and more to determine the optimal stock to meet customer needs while minimizing waste.

Field Service Management

Optimize Mobile workforces Coordinate field technicians, jobs, parts and inventory from your desktop or on any mobile device. Streamline scheduling, dispatch, routing, inventory management and more for complex service delivery.

Unified Commerce

Deliver Seamless Shopping Experiences Offer consumers a consistent brand experience across all channels with our unified commerce platform. Integrate your online and offline systems to enable smooth ordering, fulfillment, returns and customer service. Gain actionable insights to continuously optimize promotions and inventory across physical and digital touchpoints.

Product Information System

Ensure Accuracy at Every Touchpoint Maintain consistent and accurate product content across websites, catalogs, and retail outlets. Our PIM system serves as the single source of truth for product data, images, specifications, pricing and more. Integrations with ERP and e-commerce platforms keep shoppers well-informed no matter where they engage with your brand.


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