Enterprise AI
Bringing Technology Aligned with Your Business Our team of AI experts can strategically apply artificial intelligence to maximize value for your organization.
AI Strategy
We help define how AI can best support your objectives through workshops identifying high-value use cases and change readiness assessments.
Intelligent Process Automation
Robotic process automation combined with computer vision, NLP and analytics automate repetitive tasks for increased productivity.
Cognitive applications
AI applications provide recommendations, forecasts and personalized services to employees and customers based on analysis of massive datasets.
AI Governance Framework
Guidelines, controls and infrastructure ensure deployed systems act as intended, respect privacy and continuously improve to maintain user and business alignment.

Services associated with big data





Ways to put Big Data to work

Cognitive Applications
AI-powered software presents conclusions, recommendations and personalized guidance based on analysis of vast data sources. Advanced algorithms leverage deep learning for human-level decisions.
Conversational AI Assistants
Intelligent virtual agents power natural language interactions to answer queries from customers and employees. Deep learning enables assistance efficiently across common platforms.
Supply Chain Optimization
Real-time visibility and predictive algorithms optimize every decision from sourcing to logistics. AI improves supplier networks, inventory levels, production scheduling and transportation routes.

Intelligent Search

Our intelligent search solutions apply machine learning to index vast semi-structured repositories and surface the most useful information to answer queries.

Computer Vision

By customizing models to your unique content domains, we help organizations harness insights from visual assets to optimize operations, enhance experiences and more.

Enterprise Knowledge Graph

Connected Intelligence for Strategic Advantage As organizations gather extensive volumes of diverse data across business lines, the opportunity to extract unified understanding grows exponentially. However, information residing in application silos or disconnected systems limits strategic perspective. An enterprise knowledge graph (EKG) addresses this challenge by establishing a virtual intelligence nucleus linking relevant entities and semantics from distributed sources.

Anomaly Detection

Our knowledge graph solutions build contextual taxonomies linking entities across your data ecosystem to power predictive analytics, personalization and more.

Recommender System

Our recommender solutions apply machine learning to analyze user behavior and item attributes, delivering individualized suggestions that drive engagement and satisfaction.

Embedded AI

Our embedded AI solutions develop custom machine learning models optimized for deployment on edge devices to power autonomous functionality.


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Services Associated with Data Science