Dynamic Pricing & Offering
Optimize Revenue with Smart Pricing Continuously analyze market conditions, inventory levels, competitor pricing and individual shopper behaviors to automatically set the perfect price for each customer in real-time. Our dynamic pricing solutions maximize revenue by ensuring the right product lands in the cart of the right customer at the right price.
Demand Forecasting
Neural networks process past sales and external factors to continuously predict customer demand volumes and preferences by specific products, locations, times of day, and more.
Optimization Engine
AI algorithms automatically evaluate thousands of simultaneous pricing, products, and offer scenarios to identify the combination delivering the highest projected revenue according to real-time supply and predicted demand.
Personalized Offers
Employing customer attributes and behaviors, the system triggers tailored time-sensitive discounts, bundles, up-sells, and cross-sells for each individual to stimulate incremental spending.
Inventory Management
Adjust available product assortments per location based on predicted selling rates, regional trends, competitive pricing, and upcoming promotions or seasons to minimize over- and under-stock.

Customer Data Platform

Unlock Deep Customer Insights Gain a single, real-time view of your customers by centrally collecting and organizing data from all customer touchpoints. Our customer data platform captures, cleans and enriches customer profiles to power personalized experiences across marketing, sales and service channels.

Marketing Automation

Automate Customer Engagement Orchestrate personalized, omnichannel marketing campaigns from lead to revenue. Our automation platform integrates CRM and campaign data to trigger customized email, social and mobile messages based on behaviors and preferences. Streamline lead scoring, segmentation, nurturing and hand-offs to sales.

Personalized Product Recommendation

Drive Engagement and Sales with Tailored Suggestions Empower customers to discover products they love using AI-powered recommendation engines. Employing deep learning on purchase histories and user behaviors, we analyze millions of relationships to predict what each individual wants to buy next.

Intelligent Advertisement

Maximize ROI with Data-Driven Ads Use AI and machine learning to optimize advertising spend across channels in real-time. Analyzing massive datasets on user attributes, behaviors and response metrics, our solutions automatically generate hyper-targeted creative content, recommend most effective placements and adjust bids second-by-second to maximize engagement and ROI.


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